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11th September 2014


Yesterday was a crazy day for me! Up at 4am, Madrid to Gatwick by 8.30am, a fun session with Jools Holland at the BBC studios in Maida Vale, finished by 1.30pm and headed straight back to Gatwick for a 4.30pm departure back to Madrid and finally back home to the mountain and my little family by 9pm.
I'm glad I don't schedule these kind of days too often, Ouff!!
This pre-recorded session will be on Jools' new radio show sometime in October. More details to follow shortly. My love to you all. x












7th September 2014


My dear friends, fans, family... and all your dogs and cats too!

Well, well! It gives me great pleasure to inform you that in the last two days I have finally understood how to build my own website where I can personally update every page myself, and you know what? It feels good!


So,... Welcome to my new website everyone!

Yes, to some of you these pages may seem a little too bright and garish for your personal taste, well ladies and gentlemen, this is me and here I am! In charge of the reigns as I show you all that I am the captain, the boss of my little corner, the lose cannon on the deck! I might make a spelling mistake here and there, I might not! :-)


Right then,, let me leave you now while I continue adding and improving these pages and I will see you all here again very soon. Needless to say, I will be updating you all regularly with my tour dates and other news, but for now, I wish you all love, happiness and loads of rock'n'roll!


Signed in blood (not my own): Mike Sanchez






Dear friends and fans

Long time no speak!

I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing and pleasant holiday.


The years fly by like a whirlwind of memories and emotions, both happy and sad. For most of us this time of year emphasizes a lot of feelings. Last year I spent this whole period grieving the passing away of my mum on 28th December 2012, which was almost 3 years to the week that my dad passed away on 9th January 2010... and time keeps marching on..

This last year I've performed lots of wonderful shows across Europe to my good friends and fans, some of who are becoming real special buddies.

On 5th June 2013 I got married to my lovely Sarah and we spent this Christmas enjoying all the quality time in the world with our beautiful little baby son Louie,who makes us smile and laugh every hour of the day that he spends trying to walk, sing and clap to the music that is constantly on the go at our home in the Sierra Gredos.

These last 4 years have seen a lot of changes in our lives including moving to another country but I'm glad to say things are finally settling down (even if the climate is not!).


I've also been very busy with a new friend I've made in the last 2 years, author Michael Madden who very soon will have completed a biography of my life.


'Mike Sanchez - Big Town Playboy' published by Music Mentor Bookswill be available in May 2014 from Amazon, Waterstones and WH Smith. The publication of this, my life story, to me feels like a huge honour and a most exciting thrill indeed!I am particularly pleased that my good friend Robert Plant has provided a brief but powerful foreword for the book.No doubt myself and Mike Madden will be happy to keep you informed of exact release dates and further news. I will return back to the UK for the whole of May and sporadically throughout the rest of the year to publicize this release.


Please follow Mike Madden and myself on:


My twitter:


Mr Madden's twitter:


My facebook fanpage:


Mr Madden's facebook fanpage on the book:


In the meantime, to all of you I send my warmest wishes for health and happiness in 2014 and I so look forward to meeting you all again during the year.. xx M.




December 2012

New album just released!

MIKE SANCHEZ and his Band featuring Imelda May - ALMOST GROWN

Calling all Imelda May and Mike Sanchez fans. 14 previously unreleased gems featuring The Sanch and his fabulous band. Rhythm & blues at it's very best!!

click here to order your cd now



November 2012

Apologies for a couple of shows being cancelled over the last couple of weeks but I have some news... Louie was born to Mike and Sarah at 00:27 on Sunday 4th November at Warwick Hospital, England.
He was three weeks premature, tiny but very healthy weighing just 5.2lbs.He's already asking who is Elvis Presley and Howling Wolf and how do you play open tuning on a 5 string and ''these chicks in the blue hats & dresses that keep coming up to smile at me & touch me up, are they my presents?''...


October 2012

I'm very proud to announce the forthcoming release of a previousy ureleased album featuring Imelda May. This album will be available on CD very shortly. Look out for some more latest news very soon and check out Facebook to keep right up to date with everything that is going on. It's been a very busy few months here. We all look forward to welcoming you to a show very soon.



Winter 2011



Dear Friends,
                          It's been almost two years since I last updated this latest news page or kept you all informed regarding my concerts across europe and I must apologise for that. My inability to run the website following a breakdown of working relationships with the then webmaster, family bereavement and my locating to a new country have all contributed to this issue.
 In January 2010 my father, Jesus Sanchez Diaz passed away unexpectedly at the age of 77 and from then on every free day I have had has been spent in central Spain taking care of my mother Manuela who is suffering from alzheimers. She turns 88 on 3rd December 2011 and is still kicking ass! It was summer 2010 when I finally moved my whole life from Worcestershire, England to the Sierra Gredos between Madrid and Avila.

Throughout this whole period of change in my life, I've continued to keep very busy with my shows. Almost every weekend has been filled with wonderful events, festivals and club dates throughout most parts of Europe. Last year I performed for the first time in Poland and this year took my first trip to Hungary.

My UK based band continues to deliever some great shows often headlining at festivals. The current line-up is:
Mark Morgan - Drums (After 18 years and he still won't say yes!)
Nick Whitfield- Double Bass ('Drugstore Cowboy' Nick replaced Al Gare when Al joined Dave, Darrell and Steve in superstardom with the fabulous Imelda May.)
Tom Bull  - Guitar (Earlier in 2011 Tom replaced Big Boy Bloater as 'Bloat' formed his Swamp Soul and Twang Combo, 'Big Boy Bloater and the Limits'. Tom's effortless guitar playing is knocking everyone out, truly a world class young slinger.)
Martin Winning - Tenor Saxophone (One of the finest! Sam Butera lives on in dear Martin.)
Nick Lunt - Baritone Saxophone (So glad Nick is still on board after all these years. The best!)



Two other dear 'honking' friends occasionally help out. Nick Payn & Pete Cook.

A recent recording project was my second collaboration with top Swedish bluesmen The Beat From Palookaville, creating the hot rockin' album 'Babes & Buicks' out on my own UK label and on-line store, Doopin Music.

 I've also had the honour of sharing many fine shows with bands such as Paris based Drew Davies Rhythm Combo. Once in a while with Belgium's The Seatsniffers, Germany's Ray Collins' Hot Club and Italy's The Goodfellas.

Over the past two years I've been invited to perform as a soloist at several International Boogie Woogie festivals in locations such as Paris, Brussells, Hamburg, Poland, Lugano in Switzerland and Ermelo in Holland.

 My latest album 'Babes and Buicks' has been extremely well recieved by people everywhere since it's release in August 2010 and Im very proud of this, my second collaboration with Stockholm's finest The Beat from Palookaville. BBC radios Mark Lamar made a point of plugging a favourite track 'Everybodys got a Buick' whenever possible. If you still haven't picked up your copy then please go to my online store at Doopin and order one now through paypal!

 Click here to visit Doopin Music

At the start of 2010 my good buddy Ray Collins invited me to his studio in Koln Germany to record some of Rays own material including one of the loveliest  tracks I've ever sang, 'Half Blind'.

 Please check my whereabouts on the tour dates page here on my website. For those who use Facebook, I'm afraid my personal Facebook is overloaded so please visit Mike Sanchez Fans (Facebook or Twitter).

 Well I could go on and so i will again soon, but for now it's a pleasure to be back and I hope to see you all at a show in the near future.

Mike Sanchez .



Autumn/Winter 2009

Hi folks!

It seems this year, like every year, has been and gone way too quickly for most of us. By the end of 2009, I will have flown in the region of 64 flights in almost as many days, mainly across Europe. I've also grown numb from the dread of being stuck in long delays due to never-ending roadworks and the growing number of accidents plaguing England's motorways these days. What's kept me going with high spirits, though, have been the thousands of smiling faces wherever I've performed and the simple happiness our music has brought to so many of you. Back in 1981, when I was still at school wondering what I was gonna do with my life, I would never have imagined that I could have made such a fulfilling career for myself, filling me with so much gratitude!

You wonderful music-loving people are the whole reason I'm now happier and busier with each year that passes. I really can't thank you all enough for following me and my band and for supporting so many other great artists around the world who are currently flying the flag for rock 'n' roll and roots rhythm & blues music wherever it can be found. Without you to support us, there would be no rock 'n' roll... only the blues! Ha-ha!.. So, thank you all for being there because we need you now, more than ever!

So, what highlights have I seen during 2009?
Plenty! Where do I start? My shows have gone down great and my band has been a joy to work with.

Drummer Mark Morgan is into his 17th year with this band and it seems our time is gonna last longer than most marriages! [but without the sex] I couldn't wish for a better drummer & buddy!

Bassist Nick Whitfield is also an immensely talented singer/guitarist in Leicester-based rockabilly/country outfit The Drugstore Cowboys. Nick took over full time from Al Gare during 2008.
As most of you will know, Al Gare is now busy enjoying some 'superstar' payback as bassist with the wonderful Imelda May (Check up on Imelda if you have not done so already - she's recently won awards and gone Double Platinum in Ireland with sales for her last album 'Love Tattoo').

Baritone saxophonist Nick Lunt (my dear buddy from the old Big Six & Big Town Playboys line-ups) is busy these days, either with Mike Sanchez and his Band; Laura B & The Moonlighters or with Jools Holland's Rhythm & Blues Orchestra.

Tenor saxophonist Martin Winning is truly one of the finest tenor players in the world of rhythm & blues today and I'm so grateful to have Mart on board. Whenever I look across the stage and see Martin & Nick riffin', honkin' and soloing, baby I know that's one of the best lil' horn sections I'm eva' gonna hear! ;-)

For the last four years, we've enjoyed the guitar work of Oliver Darling, though that has now come to an end as Oliver focuses on his own band The Dirty Robbers. There were times this year when this gave us the chance to use other guitarists, most notably Antwerp's Walter Broes from The Seatsniffers and Stockholm's Anders Lewen from Sven Zetterberg's band and his own, The Beat From Palookaville.

And, from the end of 2009, our new full-time guitarist will be the incredible BIG BOY BLOATER!!!!
So, stay tuned for future shows and catch some of the live-wire electricity generated on-stage.

With regards to recordings, thanks to everyone who bought [and raved about] last year's album 'You Better Dig It'. I am more than proud of this great rock 'n' roll record as it's really become the start of a lot of good things for Doopin Music.

Over the past year I've made several trips to be with my good buddies in Stockholm, The Beat From Palookaville, to put together the long-awaited follow-up to 2003's 'Women & Cadillacs'. This time, the album is gonna be titled 'BABES & BUICKS'. Yes, 'Babes & Buicks' will be out for January 2010 and we can't wait for all of you to hear it! ;-)

One final bit of news before I leave you be: I was invited to Koln, Germany a few months ago by my good friends Ray Collins' Hot-Club to guest in the studio for their brand new album 'Ray Collins' Hot-Club.... Goes Intercontinental' featuring myself and none other than the legend himself, rhythm & blues pioneer and 'King of the Honkers', Big Jay McNeely. I recently uploaded one of the tracks from these sessions onto my MySpace profile. Check it out!

Until you hear from me next, why not sign up to my MySpace or Facebook profiles, and please keep checking my tour schedules. It's very likely I'll be playing somewhere near you in the future!

See you soon,

Mike x



June 21 , 2009

There's some alarming information that you should all know regarding BBC Radio.

Specialist DJ and presenter Mark Lamarr currently has three award winning radio shows; Shake Rattle & Roll, his reggae show and his '60s show.
By next year, all three programmes will have been removed and replaced by pointless chat shows and regular disposable pop music.

Long gone will be rock'n'roll, rockabilly, rhythm & blues, reggae, ska, bluebeat, soul & vocal group music from BBC Radio 2, a station that for several decades has been a national institution and pretty much a haven on British national radio for the millions of people everywhere who tune in specifically to listen to obscure quality music.

What we all forget is we own the BBC. They're forever telling us it's our station, and so it is.
It's a public funded network, and we're entitled to have our say.

If this information means anything to you then you must complain to the BBC and let them know how you feel.
Fill out the BBC Trust survey at their website:

If you are on myspace then please join the campaign at:

Just imagine hundreds of emails every hour to Radio 2. Spread the word, and who knows where all this will end up.
It might even be time for another march, but one things for sure, they ain't getting away with it.

Thank you for your attention.

Mike Sanchez









April 09, 2009

Hello, friends and fans!

Just letting everyone the tour dates section has been thoroughly updated, including several dates in Germany, in May.

On a side note, I have been in both Sweden and Germany, working on some recording projects. Keep checking back for more details!



November 20, 2008

Eddy"The Chief" Clearwater has cancelled his Sunday performance at the Rhythm Riot, due to a family emergency.

In place of The Chief will be none other than myself, in the 10 pm slot on Sunday. I will also be closing out the night/weekend with the Rhythm Riot house band, performing a few selected tunes.

Don't forget to find me this weekend, as I'll be selling copies of my brand-new album, YOU BETTER DIG IT!

Looking forward to this weekend!

Also, Webmistress Tayva has added several new dates for 2009 to the show listing, as well as two new reviews on my new album.







September 30, 2008

Hi Folks,

We regret to inform everyone that the November 20 gig with Little Richard and Little Willie Littlefield has been postponed.
Mr. Penniman has recently had hip replacement surgery. Although, November 20 is still a couple of months away, Mr. Penniman's does not have doctor's authorisation to perform.
Therefore, the gig is to be postponed until sometime in March 2009.
Remember, watch this space, as we will be posting any updates regarding this show, here!

Click here for NEWS ARCHIVE!









All content © Mike Sanchez 2010, unless otherwise noted.


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